
Saturday, July 6, 2013

totally random...

i giggled and reached up my arms to the blazing sun and danced with glee,
then i ran to the girl standing there and we started giggling some more.

I LOVE being so random and funny with friends...it makes you so happy you know? 
Onto more random stuff....

This blog is going nowhere. 

Nada, zilch. 

Sooo, i need to make it better. Now. Before this blog dies. I'm trying Birdies, I'm trying. 

To keep me going on this blog, please ask me questions about designing. I am finding stuff every day, and would love to help you. 

Help me make this blog better!



  1. I don't know really, I've been there before, when my blogs had no purpose practically..but I'm positive you'll find your way out!

  2. How do you make so cool designs?

    1. Well actually I didn't design this header or button, Autumn did^^ and I've learned a lot from Anna(storytellerofwestoncounty.blogspot.com)


Please take the time to leave a comment of some sort, but please do be nice.

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