
Monday, August 26, 2013

The "Abby" Smoothie

Good morning everyone(that doesn't go to school yet)! Need a smoothie? So Abby Renae(check out her blog HERE) gave me a recipe on how to make a delicious smoothie, which I tried and was delicious! So I thought I'd give you the recipe too-and give it a name:)

 1 cup milk
a frozen banana or one non-frozen banana cut into slices
1 tbsp chocolate milk mix(or more if you want it more chocolaty)
1 tsp sugar
BTW, this makes A LOT

Add the milk in your blender,
and the banana,
drop in the chocolate milk mix...
and SUGAR!! (sorry I had to take a picture of the sugar in the container, it just dissolved in the smoothie)

Blend it up and you're done!:) TIP: If you don't like chunks, blend up the smoothie past the time when it looks good, because mine had chunks in it.




  1. Thanks!! I just added some more banana, so in result added more chocolate and sugar. Also, I added ice cream because it very hot here!!!

    ♥ Autumn


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