
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

starting over

yup, that's right, i'm starting over! if you look under the vintage birdie poster-------->
you will see what this blog is now. a mix of inspiration, crafts, baking...

i'm so glad i found my inspiration!:):):):)


  1. Cool! :)

    By the way, you contacted me about a contest where we nominate people and then we get to vote? I'd love to participate! So I just get to vote somebody in? :) How many people can I vote? What if somebody doesn't quite... you know... fall under one category? :) Great idea, by the way...

    1. So would you like to be a judge? You can still participate, but you know, can help design and work out the contest more and be the judge. So yeah, if you want to be a judge you can nominate someone now, and then once i get the categories figured out, you can vote for one in each category. If not, that's a-ok, just you'll have to wait to nominate once the contest is up:)

    2. So what does the judge exactly do, considering that all of the votes are done by everybody else? Not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing, but the idea sounds fun. :)

    3. The judge picks the TOP BLOG of all the categories.


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