
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Tag, I'm it!

Hi! I got tagged by Anna of Hero! Here we go!(btw, this tag doesn't have a name...)

1) If the main villain of your favorite book/movie/tv series showed up at your doorstep, what would you do? (Explain who it is first)

Well, no one used the Wondla series, yet, I'll do them:) If you haven't read them, you should! They are AMAZING!!! Considering I haven't finished the 2nd book yet, I'll do the first(The Search for Wondla)
Okay, well, the main villain would be a creepy alien named Besteel, so if he showed up at my doorstep, I'd probably scream, but then he'd start charging his boomrod(don't ask) and so I'd start running around the place yelling, "GET UNDER COVER!!! BESTEEL IS HERE!!! BE PROTECTED!!!!!!!" But then my family would ask who Besteel is and and our house would get blown up. Haha, JK:)

2) Now suppose the heroes opposite your villain showed up just after your exchange, what would you do?

Yay for Eva, Rovee, and Muthr! I would shout for joy!(Mostly at just seeing them in real life, because I don't think they could do something about Besteel without a Sand-sniper(again, don't ask). So while Eva and Rovee are thinking of a plan, I'm just staring at Muthr, and her at me, because I don't know what to say to a robot...

3) So... moving on, the heroes defeat the villain (with some help from you, of course-- whatever it may be ;) But the next day, you're just walking along, minding your own business, when you suddenly come across the same villain... who is now lying in the dust severely wounded and unconscious. What do you do? 

Shout, "Besteel is dead! Besteel is dead! Then he starts breathing and I try to call up Eva, Rovee, and Muthr...

4) Now his minions show up and kidnap both you and him and take you to their universe (or version of your universe, whatever it happens to be) your reaction?

So that would probably be the Queen and the taxidermist, so I would probably scream(yes, I scream a lot) "DON"T TAKE ME TO YOUR LAB AND FREEZE ME AND TAKE OFF MY SKIN AND PUT ME IN YOUR ROYAL MUSEUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I"M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!(Or to be showcased in a museum for that matter:))

5) Your fantastic heroes have arrived to rescue you-- but now you are faced with a choice. The villain, out of gratitude for your earlier help (assuming you actually did help him when he was wounded), has offered you a chance to travel back to your own universe. However, the heroes warn you not to trust him. The only other way for you to get back home is to travel with the heroes on a long and dangerous journey... and there's no guarantee that you'll survive... 
What. Do. You. Do

What Do. I. Do?!?!?(Haha, Besteel thinks I helped himXD) Okay, I guess I'll go with the crew across Lacus, Solas, and the desert. Hey, they survived in the book!:)

Now I will tag...

I have to get off now...bye!


  1. I have the Search for Wondla differences game on my Nook. It doesn't have the story, just the side by side comparison picture. The scenes make more sense now with your "tag" post. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for the tag, but I don't think I will do this tag because I have NO ONE that is a book hero/villan. I don't read may books like that. :) So if you wish to tag someone else i totaly understand. :)

    1. Oh okay, are you sure? I'll award you for something else:)


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